Hoje: set 18, 2024
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Lula da Silva

Global Condemnation of Maduro
Illustrative photo (Getty Images) Author: Kateryna Danishevska

Global Condemnation of Maduro

Global Condemnation of Maduro: Washington, D.C. – August 4, 2024 – In a joint statement, influential leaders of the United States Congress condemned Nicolás Maduro’s regime for undermining the will of the…
Lula and Marina Silva
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva - Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Lula and Marina Silva: 2024 Disappointment

Lula and Marina Silva: 2024 Disappointment: Since early 2023 and 2024, the administration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, promised a renewed commitment to…
Lula da Silva
Brasília (DF) 29/05/2023 - O presidente da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, no Palácio do Itamaraty, durante almoço com o presidente Lula . Foto: Antônio Cruz/Agência Brasil

Lula da Silva’s Ties with Authoritarian Leaders

Lula da Silva, Brazil’s prominent leftist leader, has often emphasized a foreign policy focused on South-South cooperation and strategic alliances. However, his associations with various authoritarian leaders have sparked controversy and debate.…