Hoje: set 19, 2024

2024: Censorship and Conflicts in Brazil

Censorship and Conflicts: The Supreme Federal Court, Alexandre de Moraes, and the Impact on Freedom of Expression in Brazil. 
Debaters and oppositionists say there is censorship in Brazil: 04/11/2024 — Photo: Geraldo Magela/Agência Senado
1 mês atrás

Censorship and Conflicts: In recent years, Brazil has faced an escalation of conflicts involving the Supreme Federal Court (STF), particularly Minister Alexandre de Moraes, who has been the target of severe criticism for his actions deemed authoritarian and unconstitutional. This article examines the developments of this situation, exploring the recent revelations involving censorship, judicial manipulation, and the serious accusations made by public figures such as Elon Musk and journalist Glenn Greenwald.

The Supreme Federal Court and Censorship in Brazil

In recent months, censorship in Brazil has reached alarming proportions, especially in the digital environment. The X platform, formerly known as Twitter, has been one of the main targets of censorship actions. On April 22, 2024, Mario Nawfal, an influential commentator, highlighted on his X account that the Brazilian government, through actions coordinated by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, had begun blocking Brazilian users’ access to online discussion spaces, known as X Spaces, which dealt with freedom of expression. Users without access to VPNs were unable to participate in these discussions, raising global concerns about the state of freedom of expression in Brazil.

On the same day, Nawfal published another update detailing how Moraes, in his position as an STF minister, apparently escalated his war against the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, and against freedom of expression in Brazil. Through court orders, discussion spaces that criticized the government were censored, justified as combating the spread of misinformation. These actions are seen as an attempt to suppress any dissenting voices in the country.

The Global Censorship Escalation

The actions of Minister Alexandre de Moraes were not limited to Brazilian territory. On July 1, 2024, Nawfal reported another controversial measure: Moraes allegedly demanded that the X platform delete posts globally that were critical of the Brazilian government, under penalty of a daily fine of $18,000. This order was considered by many as an attempt to export Brazilian censorship to the rest of the world, challenging basic principles of freedom of expression on an international level.

This global censorship escalation raises important questions about the reach of Brazilian judicial power and its ability to influence freedom of expression beyond its borders. The measure was widely criticized by international law experts, who argue that censoring content on global platforms could set a dangerous precedent, encouraging other governments to adopt similar measures to silence criticism.

Explosive Revelations and the Role of Elon Musk

On August 13, 2024, new revelations brought to light the STF’s actions in censoring specific profiles on the X platform. An official leaked document indicated that the court had ordered the blocking of profiles of several public figures, including religious leaders and members of the families of opposition politicians, within 24 hours, under penalty of daily fines of $10,000. These blockages were seen as a direct attempt to suppress criticism of the government and its allies.

At the same time, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and owner of the X platform, also entered the scene. Despite the confrontation with Brazilian authorities, Musk demonstrated his intention to help Brazil in a time of crisis. On May 9, 2024, after a series of devastating floods that hit southern Brazil, Musk donated 1000 Starlink internet terminals to aid communication in areas affected by the tragedy. This action was widely praised by local political figures, such as the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, who thanked Musk publicly.

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Alexandre de Moraes and the Legal Chaos in Brazil

Alexandre de Moraes has been a central figure in the recent conflicts involving the STF and the Brazilian government. For more than four years, Moraes has been accused of “crushing” the Constitution, creating his own laws to persecute the enemies of the system that supports him. Critics point out that his actions have plunged Brazil into a chaos of legal insecurity, with monocratic and authoritarian decisions that create a domino effect of uncertainties.

Recently, journalist Glenn Greenwald, known for his investigative work, published in Folha de S.Paulo a series of grave accusations against Moraes. According to Greenwald, the minister allegedly produced an illegal dossier through requests to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), aiming to investigate and persecute his critics and political enemies. This dossier supposedly includes information obtained illegally and without due legal process, which questions the impartiality of the Brazilian judicial system.

At the same time, the allegations documented by Elon Musk revealed that Moraes allegedly illegally demanded the blocking of user accounts on the X platform, including profiles of teenagers, such as Mariana Eustáquio. These actions reinforce the perception that Moraes has overstepped the bounds of his authority, jeopardizing not only his position but also the integrity of the Brazilian legal system.

The Assessor Judge and the Maneuvers at the STF

Another important revelation involves messages exchanged between a judge assessor of Alexandre de Moraes at the STF, Airton Vieira, and Eduardo Tagliaferro, then head of the Special Disinformation Combat Advisory of the TSE. Reports from Folha de S.Paulo, published on August 13, 2024, exposed these message exchanges, in which Vieira admits that “it would be awkward” if the procedures adopted by Moraes at the TSE to supply the fake news inquiry at the STF were discovered.

In one of the messages, Vieira describes how the formal procedure should have been: “I would have to send an official request to the TSE president, asking him to pass this order on to you so that you, there, could assist me.” However, the practice adopted was much more informal and questionable, highlighting the lack of transparency and manipulation in the judicial processes conducted by Moraes.

This lack of formality and the use of informal channels to conduct judicial investigations are aspects that further exacerbate the criticisms against the minister and his management at the STF. The insistence on maintaining these obscure procedures suggests a deliberate attempt to avoid scrutiny and accountability, raising serious questions about the legality of the court’s actions.

Implications for Democracy and the Future of Brazil

The actions of Alexandre de Moraes and the recent revelations about the internal functioning of the STF have profound implications for democracy in Brazil. The use of censorship, the manipulation of judicial processes, and the attempts to suppress critical voices are not just an attack on freedom of expression but also a direct threat to the very structure of the country’s democracy.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald, in his accusations, emphasized that Moraes finds himself in a position of power that does not allow him to retreat. Comparing him to authoritarian leaders like Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Greenwald argues that Moraes, like other dictators, has already passed the point of no return, where retreating would mean admitting his crimes and losing his position of power. The result is a situation where Moraes’s only option is to continue advancing in his authoritarian crusade, even if it means risking Brazil’s stability further.

For the country, the issue is equally one of survival, not just of the legal order but of the preservation of freedom and the Constitution. Moraes’s actions and the support he receives from certain factions within the Brazilian political and judicial system highlight the urgent need for a reform that restores respect for the law and the Constitution.

The Network of Support for Moraes

While Alexandre de Moraes is the central figure in these conflicts, it is important to recognize that he does not operate alone. Moraes is supported by a network of allies within the Brazilian political and judicial system who share his authoritarian objectives. This network operates in the shadows, ensuring that Moraes maintains his power and continues to implement his agendas, regardless of the consequences for Brazilian democracy.

Exposing this network of support is essential to understanding the magnitude of the crisis Brazil faces. Moraes is, in many respects, the authoritarian arm of a broader system that has benefited from his actions. As pressure mounts and the accusations against Moraes accumulate, it is crucial that the country mobilizes to protect its Constitution and ensure that no judge, however powerful, can operate above the law.

The Need for a Return to Legal Order

Brazil is at a critical point in its history, where the preservation of legal order and respect for the law are fundamental to the survival of democracy. Alexandre de Moraes’s actions and the revelations of judicial manipulation highlight the fragility of the current situation. If the country does not take steps to restore order and hold those who abuse their power accountable, it risks losing the freedoms that form the foundation of its democracy.

The return to legal order is not just a matter of justice but of national survival. It is imperative that Brazil returns to the path of respect for the law and the protection of fundamental rights, ensuring that figures like Alexandre de Moraes are held accountable for their actions and that the country can move forward towards a more just and democratic future.

Final Considerations

Brazil faces immense challenges in its struggle to preserve democracy and freedom of expression. Alexandre de Moraes’s actions, combined with the support he receives from a network of allies, represent a significant threat to the legal order and the very survival of the democratic state.

This article highlighted the main points of conflict and the consequences of Moraes’s actions, from global censorship to judicial maneuvers in the STF. Hope lies in Brazil’s ability to mobilize and defend its Constitution, ensuring that the country can overcome this crisis and move towards a future where the law is respected, and fundamental rights are protected.

At the heart of all this is the need for a renewed commitment to justice and transparency, which are the pillars of any healthy democracy. The path ahead will not be easy, but it is essential that Brazil remains steadfast in defending its principles and fighting against any form of authoritarianism.

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