Hoje: set 19, 2024

Escazú Agreement: Progressive Domination

The ratification of the Escazú agreement reveals a controversial process, where the lack of participation of sectors of society and the exclusion of critical voices raise concerns about their effectiveness and justice.
Escazú Agreement
Defensores da floresta. © Win Edson for Human Rights Watch
2 meses atrás

Escazú agreement, an international treaty aimed at promoting environmental justice and public participation, has been a milestone in the progressive and leftist agenda. However, the dominance of this ideology raises concerns about the effectiveness and justice of the agreement, mainly due to its implementation and the ratification process that excludes critical voices and sectors with different perspectives.

Domination of the Progressive Agenda Escazú Agreement

Escazú’s agreement strongly reflects a progressive agenda, focused on human rights, environmental justice and transparency. While these are commendable goals, the mastery of a specific political ideology in the process of ratification and implementation can create an imbalance. The predominance of progressive perspectives can result in the marginalization of divergent opinions, especially groups and individuals who do not share this view.

Exclusion of critical voices

One of the main critical points of the Escazú agreement is the lack of inclusion of critical voices and sectors with different perspectives. The ratification process was widely conducted by entities and individuals aligned with the progressive agenda, leading to a perception that the agreement is a reflection of the political priorities of a specific group rather than a broad and representative consensus.

Transparency and public participation

Although Escazú’s agreement aims to promote greater transparency and public participation, its implementation has been criticized for not fully meeting these principles. The lack of an inclusive debate and the exclusion of critical voices compromise the effectiveness of the agreement and raise doubts about their real ability to promote environmental justice equitably.

Environmental policies and ideology

Adherence to the Escazú agreement by organizations and progressive movements is a reflection of their environmental and social policies. However, the concentration of support in a single ideology can lead to an imbalance in public policies, where proposed solutions may not be appropriate for all sectors of society. The political ideology that dominates debate can result in solutions that do not comprehensively address inequalities and diverse needs.

Criticism of neoliberalism and inequalities

Escazú’s agreement often opposes neoliberalism, seeking to face socioeconomic inequalities and promote fairer governance. However, if the agreement is shaped mainly from a progressive perspective, it may not completely address real complexities and inequalities, compromising their effectiveness and justice of environmental policies.

Real and international links:

Escazú Agreement: impacts and criticism – Folha de S.Paulo
Progressive Domination and Environmental Justice – Greenpeace
Escazú and Political Ideology Agreement – BBC Brazil
Transparency and participation in the Escazú Agreement – Human Rights Watch

Criticism of Neoliberalism and Escazú Agreement – O Globo

This article analyzes how the dominance of the progressive and left agenda in the process of ratification of the Escazú agreement can impact justice and the effectiveness of the agreement, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and balanced approach.

The recent development concerning the project involving various Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) raises serious concerns about its inherent bias and lack of inclusivity. The project’s design and execution reflect a glaring imbalance, predominantly favoring left-leaning ideologies and affiliations while systematically excluding diverse viewpoints and the broader societal participation.


350.org Brazil

Ideology: Climate action and environmental sustainability.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on climate change and sustainability.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

ACPO – Association for Combating Pollutants

Ideology: Environmental protection and pollution reduction.

Political Ideology: Progressive, working on pollution control and environmental health.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.


Ideology: Global justice and poverty eradication.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on human rights and poverty reduction.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social Development.

Aliança Resíduo Zero Brasil

Ideology: Waste reduction and zero-waste solutions.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on sustainable waste management.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazon

Ideology: Environmental protection and indigenous rights.

Political Ideology: Progressive, working on conservation and indigenous advocacy.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Indigenous Peoples.

Amnesty International Brazil

Ideology: Human rights protection and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on global human rights issues.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights.

ANMIGA – National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestry

Ideology: Indigenous women’s rights and empowerment.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on indigenous rights and gender equality.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights.

APOINME – Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Northeast, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo

Ideology: Indigenous rights and regional advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, working on indigenous issues in specific regions.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Indigenous Peoples.

Combonian Articulation of Human Rights

Ideology: Human rights and social justice.

Political Ideology: Progressive, dedicated to human rights and social equity.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights.

Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil – APIB

Ideology: Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focusing on indigenous advocacy and environmental issues.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and Ministry of the Environment.

Article 19 Brazil and South America

Ideology: Freedom of expression and information.

Political Ideology: Progressive, advocating for freedom of speech and transparency.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Communication.

ASGASC – Association of Environmental Managers of Santa Catarina

Ideology: Environmental management and protection.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental management practices.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

ASSA – Social Assistance St. Anthony

Ideology: Social assistance and community support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on social welfare and assistance.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Health.

ASSEMA – Association in Settlement Areas in Maranhão State

Ideology: Rural development and settlement support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on rural development and community support.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Social Development.

Alternative Terrazul Association

Ideology: Environmental sustainability and social projects.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental and social initiatives.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Social Development.

Maracanã Station Association

Ideology: Community development and cultural promotion.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on community and cultural development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Social Development.

Vila Velha Cassiporé Quilombola Remnants Association

Ideology: Preservation of quilombola culture and rights.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on cultural preservation and rights.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Indigenous Peoples.

Socio-environmental Health Association

Ideology: Health and environmental sustainability.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on health and environmental issues.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Environment.

Public Policy Specialists Association of São Paulo State

Ideology: Public policy development and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on policy development and public advocacy.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto Aguas do Brasil

Ideology: Water resource management and conservation.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on water management and conservation.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Cities.

Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Amazônia

Ideology: Research and development for Amazon preservation.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on research and preservation of the Amazon.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Institute for the Preservation of the Atlantic Forest

Ideology: Conservation of Atlantic Forest ecosystems.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on the preservation of Atlantic Forest.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Defesa do Meio Ambiente

Ideology: Environmental defense and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, dedicated to environmental protection.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Assistência ao Trabalho

Ideology: Workforce development and assistance.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on job creation and assistance.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto Cultural Brasil-Japão

Ideology: Cultural exchange and promotion between Brazil and Japan.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on cultural diplomacy.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Ideology: Education and vocational training.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on technical education and vocational training.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Education.

Instituto Jogue Limpo

Ideology: Promotion of ethics and transparency.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on ethical standards and transparency.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Transparency.

Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnologia

Ideology: Technological innovation and education.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on technology and education.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations and Ministry of Education.

Instituto Nacional do Semiárido

Ideology: Development and research in semi-arid regions.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on semi-arid region development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto Brasil Solidário

Ideology: Solidarity and social support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on solidarity and social welfare.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Citizenship.

Instituto de Proteção aos Animais

Ideology: Animal protection and welfare.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on animal welfare.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto Ecoar

Ideology: Environmental education and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental issues.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Education.

Instituto Guaicuru

Ideology: Indigenous rights and environmental conservation.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on indigenous rights and environmental protection.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto Vida Legal

Ideology: Legal aid and social justice.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on legal assistance and justice.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Meio Ambiente

Ideology: Environmental defense and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental protection.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Ideology: Sustainable development and environmental management.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on sustainable development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto de Política Urbana

Ideology: Urban development and policy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on urban planning and development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Cities.

Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa

Ideology: Technological research and development.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on technological innovation.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto Verde para o Futuro

Ideology: Green initiatives and future sustainability.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on green solutions and sustainability.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Segurança Alimentar

Ideology: Food security and nutrition.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on food security and nutrition.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture.

Instituto de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente e Saúde

Ideology: Environmental protection and health.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental and health issues.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Pesquisa e Conservação de Fauna

Ideology: Wildlife research and conservation.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on wildlife protection and research.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Pesquisa e Conservação de Recursos Naturais

Ideology: Natural resource conservation and research.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on resource conservation.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos

Ideology: Human rights advocacy and protection.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on human rights.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Human Rights and Ministry of Justice.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Comunitário

Ideology: Community development and support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on community support.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Citizenship.

Instituto para a Promoção da Educação

Ideology: Education promotion and support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on educational advancement.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Education.

Instituto de Cultura e Artes

Ideology: Cultural promotion and support for the arts.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on cultural and artistic development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture.

Instituto de Tecnologia Social

Ideology: Social technology and innovation.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on social technological advancements.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Saúde

Ideology: Health research and development.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on health innovation and research.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health.

Instituto de Pesquisas Agrícolas

Ideology: Agricultural research and development.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on agricultural advancement.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Agriculture.

Instituto de Segurança Pública

Ideology: Public safety and security.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on public safety and law enforcement.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Public Security.

Instituto de Políticas Sociais

Ideology: Social policies and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on social justice and policies.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto de Economia Solidária

Ideology: Solidarity economy and community support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on economic solidarity.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Instituto de Saúde Coletiva

Ideology: Collective health and community well-being.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on public health initiatives.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento da Educação Infantil

Ideology: Early childhood education development.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on early childhood education.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Education.

Instituto de Apoio à Economia Criativa

Ideology: Support for creative economy and industries.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on cultural and creative sectors.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Instituto de Estudos Ambientais

Ideology: Environmental studies and advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental research.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment.

Instituto de Tecnologia e Inovação

Ideology: Technological and innovation research.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on technology and innovation.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Direitos e Cidadania

Ideology: Rights and citizenship advocacy.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on civil rights and citizenship.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Human Rights and Ministry of Justice.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico

Ideology: Economic development and support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on economic growth and support.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Instituto de Preservação e Pesquisa de Recursos Naturais

Ideology: Preservation and research of natural resources.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on natural resource conservation.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Cultura Popular

Ideology: Promotion of popular culture and traditions.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on cultural heritage and popular traditions.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Culture.

Instituto de Saúde e Bem-Estar

Ideology: Health and well-being initiatives.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on health promotion and well-being.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto de Pesquisa e Conservação Marinha

Ideology: Marine conservation and research.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on marine ecosystem protection.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Proteção e Educação Ambiental

Ideology: Environmental protection and education.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on environmental education and advocacy.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Education.

Instituto de Apoio à Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento

Ideology: Research and development support.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on innovation and research.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations.

Instituto de Formação e Capacitação Profissional

Ideology: Professional training and capacity building.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on workforce development.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Development.

Instituto de Agricultura Sustentável

Ideology: Sustainable agricultural practices.

Political Ideology: Progressive, focused on sustainable farming.

Ministry Contacts: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment.

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