Hoje: set 19, 2024

Global Condemnation of Maduro

Leaders denounce Maduro's regime for undermining democracy and electoral integrity in Venezuela's recent elections.
Global Condemnation of Maduro
Illustrative photo (Getty Images) Author: Kateryna Danishevska
2 meses atrás

Global Condemnation of Maduro: Washington, D.C. – August 4, 2024 – In a joint statement, influential leaders of the United States Congress condemned Nicolás Maduro’s regime for undermining the will of the Venezuelan people in the recent elections. The statement came from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere Chairwoman María Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Senate Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere Chairman Tim Kaine (D-VA).

Key Points of the Statement

Undermining Democracy

The Maduro regime is accused of flagrantly undermining the democratic process, leading to an increasingly deepening political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. American leaders highlighted that the actions of the Venezuelan government are a blatant attempt to subvert the will of the people.

Electoral Fraud

Assessments by independent electoral observers indicate that the declaration of Maduro’s victory by the National Electoral Council is fraudulent and unverifiable. Evidence, including about 80% of vote tallies published online, suggests that Edmundo González is the true President-elect.

Authoritarian Tactics

Despite employing various authoritarian tactics to secure the regime’s victory, the Venezuelan people turned out in large numbers to vote for change. The regime’s response included violent repression, propaganda, and persecution of opposition leaders. This dictatorial behavior has been widely condemned by American lawmakers.

International Appeal for Action

The statement urges the U.S. government to use all appropriate tools, including targeted sanctions, to pressure the Maduro regime to respect the will of the Venezuelan people and engage in negotiations for a peaceful transition of power with President-elect González and opposition leader María Corina Machado.

Support from Democratic Partners

The statement appeals to international democratic partners, including Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, CARICOM, and the EU, to support efforts to verify the electoral results, ensure the safety of opposition leaders, and facilitate a peaceful transition. International support is crucial to ensure that the Venezuelan people’s will is respected.

Global Message

A clear message is sent to Maduro: the world is watching, and his attempts to overturn the will of the Venezuelan people will not be tolerated. The legislators reaffirmed the commitment of the United States and its democratic partners to support the Venezuelan people’s struggle for true democracy and a better future.

Lula’s Involvement with the Maduro Regime

Lula’s support for the Maduro regime dates back to the time of Hugo Chávez, Maduro’s predecessor. During his terms as President of Brazil, Lula maintained a close relationship with Chávez, supporting his policies and his Bolivarian vision for Latin America. This supportive relationship continued with Nicolás Maduro, even after Chávez’s death, with Lula frequently expressing solidarity and support for the Venezuelan government in international forums.

Additionally, there are allegations of Lula receiving financial resources from key figures of the chavista regime. Two Venezuelan ex-generals, Hugo Armando Carvajal and Cliver Alcalá Cordones, have made allegations regarding financial operations that allegedly benefited allies of the chavista regime, including Lula. Carvajal, in particular, cooperated with international authorities and made statements about the corruption and illegal activities of the Maduro regime.

Accusations Against the PT and Gleisi Hoffmann

In addition to allegations against Lula, there are also accusations involving the Workers’ Party (PT) and its president, Gleisi Hoffmann. Hoffmann and other PT members have been accused of maintaining close ties with the Maduro regime and receiving financial support from the Venezuelan government for political campaigns in Brazil. These allegations reinforce concerns about the influence of the chavista regime in other Latin American countries and the impact on the integrity of democratic processes in the region.

Conclusion Global Condemnation of Maduro

The international condemnation of the Maduro regime highlights the severity of the political crisis in Venezuela and the determination of world leaders to support the Venezuelan people in their quest for justice and democracy. The solidarity expressed by American legislators underscores the importance of international cooperation to confront authoritarian regimes and promote democratic values worldwide. The involvement of figures like Lula and the accusations against the PT and Gleisi Hoffmann add a layer of complexity to regional political dynamics, underscoring the need for vigilance and coordinated action to ensure the integrity of democratic processes.

For more details, access the official statement here.

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