Hoje: set 17, 2024

Innocent: Felipe Martins Continues Imprisoned by the STF

Despite overwhelming evidence of innocence and multiple denied appeals, Felipe Martins remains unjustly imprisoned by STF and Alexandre de Moraes.
Felipe Martins
Photo: Twitter reproduction
1 mês atrás

Innocent: Felipe Martins Continues Imprisoned by the STF. The prolonged imprisonment of Felipe Martins, a former advisor to former President Jair Bolsonaro, is a stain on Brazilian justice. Despite substantial evidence proving his innocence, Martins remains detained for over six months due to controversial decisions by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) and Minister Alexandre de Moraes. This article explores the injustice in the case, details the denied appeals, the PGR’s release request, the OAB’s omission, and Moraes’s questionable stance.

Felipe Martins: Detained for Over Six Months

Felipe Martins was arrested on February 8, 2024, as part of a Federal Police operation related to the events of January 8, 2023. Since his detention, Martins has remained in preventive custody, totaling over 190 days of incarceration. His continued detention, even in the face of evidence of his innocence, raises serious questions about the integrity of the judicial process.

Denied Appeals and Disregard of Evidence

During the detention period, Felipe Martins and his lawyers submitted various appeals to the STF, requesting a review of his imprisonment based on substantial evidence of his innocence. Among the evidence presented are key witness testimonies confirming Martins’s non-involvement in the investigated events, as well as documents and records that support his version of the facts.

Key denied appeals include:

  • Habeas Corpus Appeal: Request for a review of preventive detention, based on the absence of legal grounds for detention.
  • Criminal Review Petition: Formal request for re-evaluation of evidence and reconsideration of the detention decision.
  • Appeal to the STF: Request for review of judicial decisions from lower courts that upheld Martins’s detention.

All these petitions were systematically rejected by the STF. The decisions were made without a detailed analysis of the evidence of innocence and without providing clear justifications for the continued detention.

PGR’s Release Request

A notable fact in Felipe Martins’s case is the release request made by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR). In a significant move, the PGR requested Martins’s release based on the lack of evidence supporting his imprisonment. The PGR argued that Martins’s preventive detention no longer had justification, considering the evidence of his innocence and the lack of substantial proof against him.

However, even with the PGR’s recommendation, the STF, under Alexandre de Moraes’s leadership, rejected the release request. The denial was a clear demonstration of the STF’s resistance to reconsider the detention, even when the Attorney General’s Office itself acknowledged the lack of grounds for the continued imprisonment.

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Truths Report – Alexandre de Moraes – Minister of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil (STF)

The Controversial Role of Alexandre de Moraes

Minister Alexandre de Moraes played a central and controversial role in Felipe Martins’s case. As the official responsible for the arrest order, Moraes has faced severe criticism for his handling of the case. His actions have been characterized by decisions that many consider politically motivated and a lack of impartiality in handling the case.

Moraes, known for his controversial decisions in high-profile cases, has faced accusations of acting to favor certain political interests. Moraes’s handling of the case has raised questions about his impartiality and respect for due process. Instead of ensuring fair and transparent justice, Moraes’s approach has been seen by many as a reflection of external pressures and political interests.

The OAB’s Omission

Another concerning aspect of the case is the apparent omission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). The OAB, whose function is to protect the rights of lawyers and ensure justice, has been notably silent about Felipe Martins’s detention. The lack of action and an official statement from the OAB in the face of allegations of injustice and the continued imprisonment of an innocent person is a grave failure. The absence of an active stance by the OAB raises doubts about its commitment to defending fundamental rights and overseeing judicial practices.

The OAB’s omission in this case contrasts with its traditional role of promoting justice and defending individual rights. Its lack of intervention is a failure that undermines trust in the justice system and reinforces the perception that Martins’s detention may be conducted irregularly and without proper legal backing.

Impacts of Moraes’s Decisions

Alexandre de Moraes’s decisions have had a profound impact on Felipe Martins’s situation and public trust in justice. The continued imprisonment of Martins, despite clear evidence of his innocence, the PGR’s release request, and the OAB’s omission, fuels the perception that the judicial system may be manipulated to serve political or personal interests.

Moraes’s stance undermines public trust in the STF and the judicial system, reflecting a troubling lack of commitment to justice and impartiality. The ongoing detention of Martins, even in the absence of compelling evidence against him, highlights the urgent need for critical review of judicial practices and the actions of those responsible for the case’s handling.

The Response from Society and the Quest for Justice

The case of Felipe Martins has generated significant response from society and human rights organizations. There is a growing clamor for the injustice to be corrected and for Martins to be released, based on the evidence of his innocence, the PGR’s release request, and the OAB’s omission. Public mobilization and pressure from civil rights groups are crucial to ensuring justice is done and the judicial system restores its credibility.

Lawyers and organizations have highlighted the urgent need for a review of judicial decisions and a critical examination of Alexandre de Moraes’s conduct. The aim is to ensure that all individuals receive fair treatment and that the truth prevails over political or personal interests.

The Future of Felipe Martins and the Judicial System

The future of Felipe Martins remains uncertain, and hope is that evidence of his innocence will prevail over the controversial decisions of the STF and Alexandre de Moraes. The case serves as an important test for the integrity of the Brazilian judicial system and the capacity of institutions to correct errors and ensure justice.

Martins’s release would not only represent a victory for justice but also be a crucial step in restoring public trust in the judicial system. It is essential that the STF and those responsible for justice review their decisions and act to ensure all citizens are treated with fairness and impartiality.


The prolonged imprisonment of Felipe Martins by the STF, under the questionable handling of Alexandre de Moraes and the OAB’s omission, is a concerning example of how the justice system can fail in a Democratic State. With over 190 days of detention, repeated denials of judicial review, and the PGR’s release request, Martins’s case highlights the urgent need for reform and review of judicial practices.

The current situation not only harms Felipe Martins but also affects public trust in justice. It is imperative that the Brazilian judicial system take decisive steps to correct errors, restore justice, and ensure that all citizens are treated with fairness and impartiality. The truth must prevail, and injustice cannot be accepted as the norm.

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