Hoje: set 18, 2024

Lula and Maduro: A Dangerous Alliance

Examining the complicity of Lula's government in the Venezuelan crisis, supporting Nicolás Maduro's authoritarian regime.
Photo: Interten
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Lula and Maduro: A Dangerous Alliance. The political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has drawn international scrutiny, but the role of the Brazilian government under President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has significantly complicated the situation. Lula’s government has maintained a controversial stance by supporting Nicolás Maduro’s regime, further intensifying concerns about democratic values in the region.

Since Lula’s return to power, Brazil has been increasingly aligned with the Venezuelan government, which is widely criticized for its authoritarian practices. This relationship has sparked debates over whether Brazil is acting as a mediator or complicit in the crisis. Despite widespread condemnation of Maduro’s government from the international community, including from major democratic nations such as the United States, Argentina, and Uruguay, Lula’s administration has largely refrained from condemning the Venezuelan elections or recognizing opposition leaders.

Lula’s Complicity in the Venezuelan Crisis

One of the most contentious issues is Lula’s refusal to acknowledge the opposition’s victory in the recent Venezuelan elections. While the results were rejected by several democratic nations, Lula’s government has remained silent. This stance has led many to believe that Brazil is not merely neutral but is actively supporting Maduro’s regime.

The Brazilian administration’s reluctance to confront the Venezuelan crisis publicly reflects a broader pattern of complicity. By not recognizing the opposition’s victory, Lula’s government essentially validates Maduro’s grip on power and undermines efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela. This alignment with an authoritarian regime poses serious implications for both regional stability and democratic governance.

The Fabrication of Narratives

In May 2023, Lula publicly advised Maduro to create a narrative to counter international criticism of his regime. This advice came during a joint press conference where Lula suggested that Maduro should construct a narrative to address accusations of anti-democratic practices. This guidance appears to have influenced Maduro’s subsequent claims that tech magnate Elon Musk orchestrated a cyber coup during the elections.

Maduro’s allegations about a “cyber coup” lack substantive evidence and have been widely discredited. However, they serve as a tool for deflecting criticism and justifying the regime’s actions. Lula’s role in endorsing such tactics highlights his indirect support for the Venezuelan regime’s attempts to manipulate public perception and evade accountability.

The Role of Celso Amorim

Celso Amorim, a key advisor to Lula, has played a prominent role in Brazil’s approach to the Venezuelan crisis. Amorim has consistently expressed confidence in the Venezuelan electoral institutions, despite their well-documented flaws. This stance has been criticized as naïve or intentionally misleading, given the evidence of electoral fraud and suppression of opposition candidates.

The National Electoral Council (CNE) in Venezuela, which is heavily controlled by Maduro’s regime, has been accused of numerous irregularities, including barring opposition figures such as María Corina Machado from participating in the elections. Amorim’s continued support for these institutions, despite their discredited status, raises questions about Brazil’s true position in the crisis.

Brazil’s Diplomatic Actions

In recent months, Brazil has taken over the embassies of Argentina and Peru in Venezuela after the expulsion of their diplomats. This move was a direct response to these countries’ challenges to Maduro’s legitimacy and their support for the Venezuelan opposition. By assuming control of these diplomatic missions, Brazil has demonstrated its alignment with Maduro’s regime and its willingness to support the authoritarian government at the expense of democratic norms.

This action underscores Brazil’s complicity in the Venezuelan crisis and highlights the growing influence of Maduro’s regime in regional politics. The Brazilian government’s decision to oversee these embassies further isolates Venezuela from international scrutiny and contributes to the ongoing erosion of democratic institutions in the country.

Implications for Democracy

The support provided by Lula’s government to Nicolás Maduro has significant implications for democracy in Venezuela and beyond. By aligning with an authoritarian regime, Brazil risks undermining democratic values and destabilizing the region. The Brazilian administration’s actions contribute to the perpetuation of an oppressive regime and hinder efforts to promote democratic governance and human rights.

Moreover, this complicity has broader repercussions for Latin American geopolitics. As Brazil becomes increasingly involved in supporting authoritarian regimes, it challenges the democratic norms that have been a cornerstone of regional stability. The international community must remain vigilant and responsive to these developments to ensure that democratic principles are upheld and that authoritarianism does not gain further ground.


The relationship between Lula’s government and Nicolás Maduro’s regime is more than a diplomatic alliance; it represents a deeper complicity in the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. This alliance has far-reaching consequences for both Venezuela and the broader Latin American region. The Brazilian administration’s support for an authoritarian regime undermines democratic values and poses a threat to regional stability. As the situation in Venezuela continues to evolve, the international community must address these dynamics and work towards supporting democratic governance and human rights in the region.


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