Hoje: set 20, 2024

Aegis: Segurança Open Source 2FA

Aegis é uma ferramenta de código aberto para Android que facilita o gerenciamento de tokens de autenticação de dois fatores…
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Datena Expulso e Assédio Reavivado

Datena: o debate entre candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo, transmitido pela TV Cultura, teve um desfecho inesperado quando José…
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Elon Musk

EU asks Elon Musk to censor Trump on X

Elon Musk Freedom of Expression on X: UK Parliamentarians Criticize the Platform. In the United Kingdom, Labour parliamentarians are abandoning the X platform, owned…
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Daniel Silveira

Daniel Silveira: Judicial Overreach & Politics

The Daniel Silveira Case: Daniel Silveira’s political trajectory began with a meteoric rise, marked by his affiliation with the PSL (Social Liberal Party) and…
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Fátima de Tubarão

The Death Sentence of Fátima de Tubarão

Fátima de Tubarão: The recent decision by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to sentence Fátima de Tubarão-SC, a 67-year-old woman, to 17 years in…
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Petrobras: Losses Under Lula’s Rule

Petrobras, one of the world’s largest oil companies and Brazil’s main state-owned enterprise, has returned to posting losses under the administration of Luiz Inácio…
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Filipe Martins

Filipe Martins: released from illegal detention

Filipe Martins’ Case:The recent release of Filipe Martins, former advisor to ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, has reignited the debate over the limits of justice in…
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Moraes Extends Illegal Detention of Martins

Moraes Prolongs Illegal Imprisonment of Innocent Filipe Martins. The shocking case of injustice, power abuse, and the egregious violation of human rights against Filipe…
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