Hoje: set 20, 2024

Aegis: Segurança Open Source 2FA

Aegis é uma ferramenta de código aberto para Android que facilita o gerenciamento de tokens de autenticação de dois fatores…
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Datena Expulso e Assédio Reavivado

Datena: o debate entre candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo, transmitido pela TV Cultura, teve um desfecho inesperado quando José…
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Lula Deceived Rio Grande do Sul

Lula Deceived Rio Grande do Sul

Lula Deceived Rio Grande do Sul: Eduardo Leite exposed the lies of the Lula government. Lula’s promises to help Rio Grande do Sul after the…
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Crimes of Lula and Bolsonaro

Crimes of Lula and Bolsonaro: Comparison

Crimes of Lula and Bolsonaro: The political careers of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Jair Bolsonaro are marked by various controversies and accusations.…
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Lula and Maduro: Moura's Dela

Lula and Maduro: Moura’s Dela

Lula and Maduro: Moura’s Dela. How Lula’s Ties with Maduro Shaped Latin American Politics. The recent testimony of Mônica Moura, the wife of campaign…
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Government Lula

Government Lula: Financial Collapse

Government Lula: Heading Towards Financial Collapse. Since the beginning of 2023, the Lula administration has faced financial challenges impacting multiple sectors, from energy to…
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Pope Francis & González Call for Peace

Pope Francis: Vatican City, August 4, 2024 – In a significant show of support for Venezuela, Pope Francis has made a heartfelt appeal for…
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Global Condemnation of Maduro

Global Condemnation of Maduro

Global Condemnation of Maduro: Washington, D.C. – August 4, 2024 – In a joint statement, influential leaders of the United States Congress condemned Nicolás…
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