Hoje: set 20, 2024

Aegis: Segurança Open Source 2FA

Aegis é uma ferramenta de código aberto para Android que facilita o gerenciamento de tokens de autenticação de dois fatores…
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Datena Expulso e Assédio Reavivado

Datena: o debate entre candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo, transmitido pela TV Cultura, teve um desfecho inesperado quando José…
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29 Presidents Demand Lula’s Action

Lula’s Action: Former Leaders Urge Brazil and Colombia to Recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as Venezuela’s Elected President Amidst Electoral Fraud . On Friday, a…
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Lula and Maduro: A Dangerous Alliance

Lula and Maduro: A Dangerous Alliance. The political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has drawn international scrutiny, but the role of the Brazilian government under…
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Felipe Martins

STF Keeps Innocent Felipe Martins in Prison

Felipe Martins: The detention of Felipe G. Martins, special advisor to the Presidency, has become a grotesque symbol of abuse of power in Brazil.…
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Lula and Maduro

Lula and Maduro: Parallel Repression 2024

Lula and Maduro: Exposed Authoritarian Regimes. As the world grapples with the rise of authoritarian regimes, a troubling parallel has emerged between the governments of…
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Escazú Agreement

Escazú Agreement: Progressive Domination

Escazú agreement, an international treaty aimed at promoting environmental justice and public participation, has been a milestone in the progressive and leftist agenda. However,…
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Indigenous Deaths

Indigenous Deaths Hidden by Lula’s Gov

Indigenous Deaths Hidden. The Hidden Truth: The Crisis of Indigenous Data Transparency in Lula’s Government. In a scenario where the rights of indigenous peoples…
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