Hoje: set 19, 2024

Aegis: Segurança Open Source 2FA

Aegis é uma ferramenta de código aberto para Android que facilita o gerenciamento de tokens de autenticação de dois fatores…
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Datena Expulso e Assédio Reavivado

Datena: o debate entre candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo, transmitido pela TV Cultura, teve um desfecho inesperado quando José…
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Farce in Venezuela

2024: The Judicial Farce in Venezuela

The Judicial Farce in Venezuela transcends national borders, becoming a problem of international connivance that perpetuates the oppression of a people. Nicolás Maduro, political heir…
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2024: Lula and His Dictatorial Allies

The Troubling Support of Lula for Dictators and Terrorist Organizations. Brazil’s decision to abstain from voting on the Organization of American States (OAS) resolution addressing…
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María Corina Machado

2024: María Corina Machado: Brutal Persecution

María Corina Machado Faces Severe Persecution Amidst Electoral Nullification. The violence is the final recourse of Maduro’s regime. Following the decisive and unambiguous electoral victory…
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Lula and PT

Lula and PT 2024: False Criticisms of Venezuela

Lula and PT: A Critical Look at Their Venezuela Critique. Examining the gap between Lula’s and PT’s condemnation of Maduro’s regime and their historical support…
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