Hoje: set 19, 2024

STF Keeps Innocent Felipe Martins in Prison

After more than 150 days of detention without substantial evidence, the STF ignores the Attorney General's Office, the Constitution, and international criticism, perpetuating a blatant injustice.
Felipe Martins
Supreme Court Minister Alexandre de Moraes Photo: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil
2 meses atrás

Felipe Martins: The detention of Felipe G. Martins, special advisor to the Presidency, has become a grotesque symbol of abuse of power in Brazil. Detained for over 150 days, the lack of concrete evidence and the Supreme Federal Court’s (STF) systematic refusal to ensure his release reveal a corrupted and disrespectful judicial system. The Attorney General’s Office has already requested his release, but the STF continues to ignore the Constitution and fundamental rights, creating a scandal that resonates globally.

Arbitrary Detention and Lack of Evidence

Felipe Martins was arrested on February 8, 2024, under vague and unproven accusations related to the events of January 8, 2023. Since then, the absence of evidence against him has been evident, and the STF’s decision to keep him in detention is a legal scandal. Instead of ensuring justice, the STF has used its authority to extend the detention without legal basis.

Chronology of Abuses: A Sequence of Legal Ignorance

February 8, 2024: Felipe Martins is detained based on unsubstantiated accusations, under orders from Minister Alexandre de Moraes, who alleges involvement in antidemocratic activities without presenting concrete evidence.

February 15, 2024: Martins requests habeas corpus, arguing the illegality of his detention. The STF ignores the request, citing the need for investigation without providing adequate justifications.

March 22, 2024: The STF again rejects the habeas corpus, basing the decision on weak arguments and disregarding the lack of new evidence.

May 10, 2024: Another release request is denied. The STF continues to ignore the absence of evidence and Martins’ claim of innocence.

June 10, 2024: The Attorney General’s Office requests Martins’ release, acknowledging the lack of legal grounds for his detention. The STF disregards the request, perpetuating the injustice and disrespecting constitutional rights.

Clear Violation of the Brazilian Constitution

The Federal Constitution of 1988 clearly establishes the rights of detained individuals:

  • Article 5, Section LXI: “No one shall be arrested except in flagrante delicto or by a written and substantiated order from a competent judicial authority.”
  • Article 5, Section LXV: “The arrest of any person must be communicated immediately to the competent judge and to the family of the detainee.”
  • Article 5, Section LXVII: “There shall be no civil imprisonment for debt, except for the person responsible for the voluntary and unjustifiable non-payment of alimony.”
  • Article 5, Section LXVI: “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement, due to constitutional guarantees.”

In Felipe Martins’ case, the detention without evidence and the refusal to grant freedom are clear violations of these constitutional rights. The STF, by keeping Martins in prison without proof, demonstrates a blatant disregard for legal principles.

Political Prison: An Abuse of Power

Felipe Martins’ detention is a clear example of political imprisonment, characterized by the absence of evidence and politically motivated context. The refusal to release him despite the lack of evidence suggests that his detention aims to silence a critic or serve specific political interests.

International Repercussions and Criticism

The case of Felipe Martins has attracted severe criticism from international human rights organizations and justice advocates. Reports highlight the detention as a disturbing example of injustice and abuse of power, placing Brazil under intense global scrutiny.

Impact on the Brazilian Judicial System

This case reveals a deep crisis within the Brazilian judicial system. The STF’s decision to keep Felipe Martins in prison, despite the lack of evidence and the disregard for constitutional rights, undermines public confidence in justice. The lack of transparency and the persistence in an indefensible detention demonstrate a serious failure in ensuring justice and respect for the law.

Urgent Action Needed

National and international communities must demand an urgent review of Felipe Martins’ case. The Attorney General’s Office has already requested his release, recognizing the lack of legal grounds for his detention. It is imperative that the STF reconsider its position and ensure that justice is served, restoring the integrity of the judicial system.


The case of Felipe Martins is a shocking example of the judicial system’s failure to protect fundamental rights and respect the Constitution. The prolonged and unjustified detention is an unacceptable scandal that demands urgent review and restoration of justice. It is crucial that authorities address this case with the seriousness and respect that the law and human rights require.

Links on Felipe Martins’ Arbitrary Detention

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