Hoje: set 19, 2024

Venezuelan CNE Declares Fraud

Venezuelan TSE Announces Election Results Amid CNE Website Outage, Raising Concerns Over Possible Mega Electoral Fraud and Transparency Issues"
Venezuelan CNE Declares Fraud
Nícolas Maduro. Photo Rafa Neddermeyer/ Agência Brasil
2 meses atrás

Venezuelan CNE Declares Fraud: The recent actions of the Venezuelan Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) have led to accusations of one of the largest electoral frauds in recent history. The 2024 presidential elections in Venezuela have been marred by significant irregularities, raising serious concerns both nationally and internationally.

The Electoral Process and Irregularities

The electoral process in Venezuela, which was supposed to follow a strict timeline, was characterized by numerous irregularities. According to established protocols, the polling stations should have closed at 7 PM Brasília time, and vote counting should have begun immediately. However, these procedures were completely disregarded. The polling stations remained open without voters, and opposition poll monitors were barred from accessing the polling sites. This scenario created complete opacity in the electoral process, raising suspicions of manipulation and fraud.

After five hours of total silence, the results started to be announced. However, these results contradicted exit polls and independent reports from poll workers. According to these sources, Edmundo González was leading with around 60% of the vote, while Nicolás Maduro had less than 30%. This discrepancy between official results and independent estimates further fueled suspicions of massive fraud.

The CNE Website Down: A Critical Suspension

To make matters worse, the official website of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE), which should be a vital source of information and updates about the electoral process, remains offline. The CNE page, accessible at http://cne.gob.ve/, has yet to return online, intensifying concerns about the transparency and integrity of the electoral process. The absence of an accessible digital platform hinders real-time verification of results and proper oversight by observers and the public.

Political Context and International Reactions

The political context in Venezuela, where Nicolás Maduro’s regime has been widely criticized for its lack of legitimacy and anti-democratic practices, is a crucial factor in this scenario. Maduro, who has been the target of numerous corruption and abuse of power allegations, now faces a new wave of criticism due to the manner in which the elections were conducted.

Internationally, the Venezuelan electoral process has been widely condemned. Various leaders and international organizations have expressed concerns about the transparency and legitimacy of the elections. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, and there is growing clamor for an impartial investigation and review of the electoral processes.

The Controversial Relationship with the Brazilian Government

In the broader context of Latin American politics, the relationship between Nicolás Maduro and the Brazilian government, led by Lula da Silva, has been a subject of intense debate. Lula da Silva, one of Maduro’s historic allies, has always been known for his support of authoritarian regimes in Latin America, including the Castro brothers in Cuba, Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. This alliance has been criticized for its role in perpetuating regimes that many consider responsible for misery and oppression in their respective countries.

Lula da Silva has been accused of betraying democratic principles in favor of strategic alliances and political interests. This situation becomes even more complex when observing Lula’s ambiguous statements regarding Maduro. Recently, Lula made statements that seem distant from his previous expressions of support for Maduro. This behavior can be interpreted as a strategy to distance himself from a potential loser while still maintaining a public stance of support for Maduro, should he manage to stay in power through electoral fraud.

The Media and Information Manipulation

The media also plays a crucial role in this scenario. Often, media aligned with the government tries to distort facts and create narratives that benefit authoritarian regimes. In the case of Venezuela, “mortadela” media attempted to portray Maduro as an ally of Bolsonaro, ignoring the historical ties between Maduro and Lula da Silva. This type of information manipulation undermines public understanding of events and contributes to the perpetuation of authoritarian regimes.

The Need for Transparency and Integrity

Given this situation, it is essential to demand transparency and integrity in Venezuela’s electoral process. The international community, including human rights organizations and electoral observers, must play an active role in investigating allegations of fraud and ensuring that future electoral processes are conducted fairly and transparently.

Considers’ fine

What we are witnessing in Venezuela is a crisis of legitimacy and transparency that requires a firm and coordinated response from the international community. The fact that the CNE website remains offline is a symbol of the lack of transparency and the attempt to conceal the truth. The situation highlights the need for a critical review of electoral processes and pressure on authoritarian regimes to be held accountable for their actions.

The relationship between Nicolás Maduro and Lula da Silva, as well as media manipulation, are critical aspects that should be considered in the broader context of this crisis. The future of Venezuela and the integrity of its electoral processes depend on the international community’s ability to act decisively and demand justice and transparency.

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